
Homeschooling: Taking the First Steps

Homeschool Encouragement- Taking the First Steps

1) What can homeschooling do for your family? Learning at their own unique paces, embracing your child’s abilities and strengths, using real-life experiences to teach, varied opportunities, and encouraging independent thought are just a few of the fantastic reasons to homeschool.

2) Find the state laws for your state to notify  the local school district. Some states do not require any notification. There are many facebook pages devoted to each state.

3) Join a local homeschool group for support and new friends sharing the same lifestyle. Having fellow parents to walk through the joys and struggles of the journey is a lifesaver. 

4) Determine your educational philosophy. It is important to read up on different educational philosophies so that your understanding of the positives and negatives for your family dynamics can be fully embraced.

5) After you feel comfortable with your educational philosophy, start researching curriculum choices. The spectrum is large from secular to Christian-based, very expensive to free, textbooks to online. Rest assured, there is something for everyone. If you do not know where to start, finding a local curriculum fair or attending a larger homeschool convention is an excellent first step.

6) Remind yourself that comparison is the thief of joy. You have this amazing opportunity to spend the formative years with your children, growing and cultivating a love of learning. Avoid comparing them to peers or students in public school education. Everyone learns at an individual pace. Respect this fact and proceed accordingly.

7) Avoid the temptation to create school at home. This is a common thing for many at the start of their homeschool journeys. Learning can happen anywhere and with anything. If your children have been in public school, it is advised to allow them a period of time at the onset to relax and start fresh with a positive mindset. 

8) Find a rhythm and routine that works well for your family and lifestyle. There is not a ‘one size fits all’ in homeschooling, which is part of the beauty of it.  You do what works the best with the learning styles and needs of your kids. 

9) Once you are comfortable with the routine and structure that you’ve decided upon, step out and start making connections and investing in the local homeschooling community. There are SO many things available to homeschoolers in most areas of the country, that it is hard to narrow down activities and actually accomplish our work at home. Take advantage of these options and give back when you can.

10) Don’t let your doubts discourage you. Homeschool veterans sometimes have those thoughts creep in, but the time passes and you’ll feel at ease again. Always keep in mind your why and the most important reasons that you are on this journey, no matter what they may be: building relationships, developing character, and instilling work ethic. It is a worthy endeavour and one you won’t regret. 

I love homeschooling my children. It is my privilege and blessing to do so, and my hope is to inspire and encourage others along their journey. Check out my membership website: Learning Creations Online for curriculum and enrichment resources.

Learning Creations Online

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