Learning Creations Online Membership

Learning Creations Online Membership

Facilitating and nurturing a well-rounded education does not have to be difficult. Learning Creations Online was created to offer easy to use resources to help parents and teachers feel like they are on a confident, prepared journey of learning. The Goal of Learning Creations: Facilitating and nurturing a well-rounded education does not have to be difficult. Learning Creations Online was…

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Social Studies

Learning About Famous Inventors

Learning about famous inventors serves multiple purposes in education: In summary, learning about famous inventors is not just about memorizing names and dates; it’s about understanding the human stories behind groundbreaking innovations and the broader implications for society. It equips students with valuable knowledge, skills, and perspectives that can empower them to become innovators and problem solvers in their own…

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Learning Creations Online Membership

Why Study Vocabulary?

Why is so important, especially moving into upper elementary grades through high school? Studying vocabulary is essential for many reasons. Overall, studying vocabulary throughout our lives not only supports academic achievement but also fosters lifelong skills that are essential for success in various areas of life. To access the Learning Creations Online membership and the entire Vocabulary Excellence series: https://63JivwH80BrinvHtcw8Q.memberships.msgsndr.com/offers/68676b68-4ad8-4628-a7ba-d251e487de91

Learning Creations Online Membership

Intro to Zoology: Learning Creations Online

The school age years are a pivotal time in a student’s life. It’s a phase marked by curiosity, exploration, and the formation of lifelong interests. While the traditional curriculum covers essential subjects like math, science, and language arts, there’s one field of study that often flies under the radar but holds immense potential for engaging young minds: zoology. In this…

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Travel to Learn: Embrace the World

One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is the freedom to travel and enjoy unique experiences. Travel adds another layer of enrichment to any pursuit of study, and homeschoolers are fortunate to be able to incorporate real world environments into their academics. We have enjoyed some wonderful field trips, classes, and longer trips as a homeschooling family. Our schedule is…

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Models of Learning

Homeschool Models of Learning

Type of Homeschool Models Let’s delve into the various homeschooling approaches to curriculum and overall philosophy.  There are generally seven routinely recognized types: classical, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, traditional, unschooling, unit studies, and eclectic. Some families stick with one model throughout their homeschooling journey, others switch things up every so often, while still others are truly eclectic using a mix on…

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Homeschooling: Taking the First Steps

Homeschool Encouragement- Taking the First Steps 1) What can homeschooling do for your family? Learning at their own unique paces, embracing your child’s abilities and strengths, using real-life experiences to teach, varied opportunities, and encouraging independent thought are just a few of the fantastic reasons to homeschool. 2) Find the state laws for your state to notify  the local school…

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